About us

The media company Jordbruksaktuellt (News of current interest for the farming business) publishes the magazine Jordbruksaktuellt, which every other week is distributed free of charge to all farms in Sweden. The magazine Jordbruksaktuellt is the outstanding biggest independent agri-business magazine in Sweden. The magazine is published in 16 local editions. Jordbruksaktuellt is also running this Internet service www.ja.se and Sweden’s leading online trading system for used machines for agriculture and forestry: www.maskinmarknaden.se (The Machine Market), with some 90 participating machine dealers.

Jordbruksaktuellt is owned by Agriprim AB , an ICT and information services company specialized in the needs of the agricultural and the food stuff sectors.


The magazine Jordbruksaktuellt is the outstanding biggest independent business magazine in Sweden for agriculture and forestry. It is distributed by the national Swedish Post Office to all agricultural enterprises in Sweden. Circulation 72,800 copies. Jordbruksaktuellt is published every other week (22 issues).

Nation-Wide Magazine with Local Editions

Jordbruksaktuellt is published in 16 local editions. This offers a set of possibilities to advertise e.g. locally, regionally or nation-wide according to your needs, locally adapted retailer information in nation-wide advertisements (with regional changes of names), changing of advertisements for different messages in different parts of the country and so on.

Joint Advertising with Dealers

As a supplier you can include your retailers in respective sales areas (per province). In this way the retailer is clearly visible in his district. We also offer the possibility for you to split the total advertising costs between yourself and your retailers. Our services include contacting and invoicing your retailers a partial cost without extra charge.

Joint Advertising with Suppliers

We can also invoice your supplier a partial cost without extra charge.

Advertising Locally

The circulation of Jordbruksaktuellt is distributed in no less than 16 local editions; following the old division in Swedish administrative provinces (some provinces have been merged). You can make a reservation for a full page in an optional number of provinces. It is not necessary that they adjoin one another. Perfect for your machine show, field tour, instruction day, open house etcetera.

Regional Advertising

We have divided the country into 4 regions: Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern Sweden for you who do not need to advertise nation-wide. You can advertise in an optional number of regions using an optional size of your advertisement. You can not request a certain placement in the magazine.

Customer Magazine

We offer printing and distribution of an unattached section, 4 pages or multiples of 4. This is a very cost effective way to reach your customers with very interesting information. Simultaneous printing and distribution makes you saving more than half the costs for a traditional brochure-dispatch. You can also obtain a surplus edition to distribute yourself to customers or for using at a fair/exhibition.

Advertising on the Internet

Advertising on the Internet completes your other marketing in an excellent manner. It is a very cheap way to build up a trademark or to push for concrete news and offers. Please contact us!

Advertisement Production Free of Cost

Take advantage of our free help with advertisement production (does not apply to customer magazines/block advertisements). Let us make a dummy for your advertisement!


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Kommer ursprungsmärkningen göra skillnad?

Krönika: Att göra medvetna val när man handlar är inte alltid lätt, att göra det på restaurang är garanterat ännu svårare. Från och med den första mars 2025 måste restauranger kunna redogöra för köttets ursprung. Syftet med föreskriften är att konsumenterna lättare ska kunna göra medvetna val även på restaurang. Ett medvetet val behöver dock inte innebära att det är svenskt kött som konsumenten väljer att beställa in.

